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Welcome to A Level Spanish

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What do our students say about Spanish?

Zara is planning to use her A Level Spanish during her Tropical Diseases degree, with a year abroad in South America.

My favourite aspect of studying Spanish is the wide variety of things that you learn. Not only are you learning a new language but sometimes it feels like many subjects in one! Some of my favourite topics included the history of Spain and other Hispanic countries including their many dictatorships. Also, studying the works of Guillermo del Toro and Federico García Lorca was another highlight as it tied in my love of theatre with learning Spanish.

Something I noticed when starting Spanish in Year 12 was that it was a big step up from GCSE and it did feel a bit overwhelming at first, but the support provided by the teachers and having one on one lessons with our Spanish Language Assistant really helped to improve my skills.

The advice I would give to new Year 12 students is to make sure you learn the vocab provided by the teachers and to try and practice a little bit every day using sites such as Memrise. Also, it would be useful to keep up to date with current affairs in Spanish news as it will help when deciding on a topic for your Independent Research Project.

As well as Spanish, I also studied Biology and Chemistry; after Sixth Form I am planning to go to university to study Tropical Diseases. Part of the course has a study abroad programme to South America which learning Spanish will give me a great advantage.